Hourly to half day horseback rides are offered seven days a week from mid-May thru Halloween. Riders must be over 6 years old. We have a limited capability for riders over 300 pounds. They depart from the stables located 3 miles North of Leadville on US Highway 24. You can find a map here. The rides are scheduled according to the times below so that our most important employees (that would be the horses) get plenty of rest. During non-peak times we can adjust ride times to meet your needs. 95% of our rides are private rides. WE may join 2 couples or add a  single to a group of 3 or 4. 

Did you know that horses are the only domesticated animals that are required to be an athlete. As such it is important to both them and us that they get plenty of rest. They also need to eat roughly 2.5% to 3% of their body weight each day; a wild horse will eat 13 hours a day. While ours don’t get to feast quite that much their diet is supplemented with high protein whole  grain so that they get enough groceries. Sort of like humans eating energy bars.

Please plan on arriving 15 to 20 minutes early so that the ride can depart at the scheduled time.

Clicking here will open a copy of our Liability Release in a new window. If you  like you can bring a completed form with you to speed up the check in process.

Coming down half day ride

The one hour ride takes you on trails often used by deer and elk. You’ll see views of Mt. Massive and Mt. Elbert while enjoying the beauty of mountain wildflowers. As you ride along this scenic trail you may wish to close your eyes for a moment and listen to the squeak of your saddle. Imagine the remoteness the settlers felt when they first rode into the valley over 150 years ago. We also offer 1 hour wagon rides. Reservations are kindly required so that we can have the team hitched when you arrive.

One hour ride times are 9:00 and 10:30 AM, 1:00, and 2:30 PM

horseback ride

The two and a half hour ride takes you up thru an evergreen forest, aspen stand and open meadows, often catching views others only dream about. You’ll see some old cabins along the way as you watch for deer and elk. The wildflowers and views of Mt. Massive and Mt. Elbert are some of the best this state has to offer. You are riding as high as eagles soar and may even see some of the Red Tail Hawks soaring over the valley beyond you. To some of us this is GOD’S COUNTRY — to all of us it’s COWBOY COUNTRY.

Two and a half hour ride times are 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM

Fall colors 2.5v hour horseback ride

For those of you who just can’t get enough. You’ll see signs of deer, elk and bear as we ride high up in the Rockies. After crossing a meadow that one guest called “A Sound of Music experience” the ride goes to and above timberline. Near 12,000 at the top you will see views of a lifetime! The trail also passes an old logging camp and historic mining sites. Bring your camera the wrangler will be glad to take your picture with the scenic mountains as your background. RIDE THE TOP OF THE ROCKIES!

Half day ride times are 9:00 AM and 1:00 PM