Moose hunts use weighted preference points. Per the Colorado big game brochure after receiving 3 preference points you will receive a weighted preference. Weighted preference is calculated by converting your application number into a different, random application number, then dividing that new application number by the number of weighted points you have, plus one. Individuals with three preference points and no weighted preference will have their application number divided by one. This generates another new application number. Applications are sorted by this new number from lowest to highest, and low numbers for each hunt code are awarded licenses.

Moose hunting seasons are shown in table 1 while the number of tags available in each unit is shown in table 2. These gables show Season Choice licenses.  They are valid during archery, muzzleloader and rifle season until filled. Hunters must follow all season and manner of take restrictions.

Moose in unit 48
2021 Bull Moose Dates
ArcherySeptember 12September 30
Muzzle LoadingSeptember 12September 20
RifleOctober 1October 14
2019 Moose Tags2019 Moose Tags2020 Moose Tags
Unit 45Unit 48Unit 49Unit 45Unit 48Unit 49Unit 45Unit 48Unit 49