Depending on the time of year, and your desires, we offer several all day rides. Early season when there is still lots of snow we trailer to the Colorado Trail near West Tennessee Creek and follow its meandering path below the Continental Divide to the top of Tennessee Pass. From there the horses skirt Ski Cooper and return to the stables while passing thru 19th century mine sites. Later in the summer, when the retreating snow permits the ride will start just west of Turquoise Lake. Full Day Horseback Ride. The trail will take you up through century old pine and spruce trees topping about above timberline with lunch alongside a glacial lake. When you’ve had a chance to rest you will start winding your way back down through Long’s Gulch and across West Tennessee Creek to Highway 24 at Tennessee Pass for a trailer ride home.

You should plan on being at the stables by 8:30 so that we can pair you with your horse and adjust the stirrup length before loading everyone up for the trip to the trail head. Depending on the groups pace lunch will be about noon alongside a glacial lake or mountain stream surrounded by views of snow capped mountains. You should arrive back at the stables between 4:00 and 5:00. If you are interested in a longer trip visit our  camping  page.

Full Day horseback rides are $295 and include lunch and drinks.

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